You were randomly placed into the intervention group!
We’re excited to have you in our program. Now I’m going to tell you what it means to be in that group.
As a member of the intervention group, you will do the following activities:
- Deliveries of kidney-friendly fruits and vegetables: You will receive a delivery of kidney-friendly fruits and vegetables on a weekly basis for 8 weeks, and then a biweekly basis (every other week) for 8 weeks (for a total of 12 deliveries). These produce bags will have a variety of fresh, often local, fruits and veggies along with tailored recipes you can use to prepare meals for you and your family with this produce.
- Grocery Store eGiftCards (“Healthy Eating Cards”): At the start of week 7, you will begin receiving grocery store eGiftCards (“Healthy Eating Cards”) every 4 weeks. These eGiftCards (“Healthy Eating Cards”) will allow you to shop at your preferred grocery store.
- You will be receiving your “Healthy Eating Cards” by text message. To use these “Healthy Eating Cards”, you can shop as normal, but when you are ringing up your cart at the checkout counter, let the cashier know that you are paying with an eGiftCard. Then provide them the barcode and/or gift card number and pin that are in the text message you received.
- We suggest that you try to use your “Healthy Eating Cards” within a week after receiving them.
- Dedicated Health Partner: You will receive phone calls from a dedicated health partner who is there to talk about whatever you want to talk about and provide you support. They will call you once a week at first, and you will have the option to increase or decrease these calls later if you would like. These calls can happen when you want them to, your partner will work with you to find a time that works best for your life. You know best about how to make things work in your life, and we are here to support that. This is an exciting program, you’ll be getting a lot from participating. We also know it’s hard to make changes in your everyday life, and we’ll be as flexible as we can in how we deliver this program to you, but if there is every anything we can do to improve please let us know.
- Educational Materials: When you met with Addie, you got a packet that included a magnet that helps visualize what foods promote kidney health, as well as a recipe book. You will also receive materials by text message from your dedicated health partner. In these materials, we talk about how eating certain fruits and vegetables, along with taking your medication, can help support your kidneys’ health and help you reach your goals faster. Similarly, drinking water and staying away from certain types of foods (or reducing how often you eat them) can also slow help protect the kidneys.
- If you have any questions, comments, or technical issues while using the resources, feel free to reach out to your health partner or the study team.
- We also encourage you to connect with your health partner during your scheduled phone calls to seek out more information, ask questions relating to nutrition or other topics, or whatever feels right to you at any point during the program.
- Study Visits: In 3 months and 6 months, you will come into your Harris Health Clinic for a study visit. This will be similar to the baseline study visit you had recently at the clinic, but these visits will be shorter. During these visits, you will complete a few questionnaires and answer questions about the food you’ve eaten recently, and provide a urine sample, finger prick blood sample, and weight and blood pressure measurements.
- Institution/Community Organization (Optional Activity): There’s also an optional activity in this program. If you would like to complete it, we will ask that you think about an institution of interest to you (a church, community center or other) that you would like to share your learnings and insights gained during this health journey. You can do this on your own or with the support of your Health Partner. Some examples might include speaking at a neighborhood meeting, to a congregation, or at your children’s school; or developing fliers for your community center. Choosing not to participate in this activity will not affect your ability to participate in the overall study.